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CAMPO 2045 Community Outreach

The CAMPO 2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is the long-range plan for six Central Texas counties and outlines multimodal transportation needs and improvements over the next 25 years. The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization is the MPO for the greater Austin, Texas area and responsible for creating a long-term plan for a cohesive, regional transportation network serving more than two million residents and 5,000 square miles.

Public input and participation for the CAMPO 2045 Plan was robust and inclusive, with more surveys and public comments over these two rounds of outreach than any previous long-range plan, despite the second round of outreach being conducted in Spring 2020 with most of the world locked down. The key to success was being flexible, adjusting to changing times, while keeping vulnerable and underserved populations engaged via both high and low-tech methods that work and are convenient.


2045 Plan Community Outreach Website

2045 Plan Short Video

Trade-offs Short Video

Multimodal Short Video

2045 Plan Presentation Slides

2045 Plan Brochure

2045 Plan Brochure – Spanish

2045 Plan Community Outreach Outcomes Summary

2045 Plan Public Engagement Plan